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{{ calcAvailability }}
Alternate Part Nos. {{pn}}



  • 15 to 3000 SCFM inlet flow rates available
  • 150 PSI max inlet pressure
  • 120°F max inlet temperature
  • Factory installed filters
    • Differential pressure gauges
    • Pre-filter timer drain
  • -40° F/C standard outlet dew point
  • 120/1/60 voltage
  • OSHA approved mufflers
  • Desiccant fill and drain ports
  • ASME safety relief valves
  • Standby mode
  • Manual cycle stepping
  • Control line filter / regulator
  • ISO 8573.1 Class 2


The Altec AIR HRL Series heatless regenerative desiccant air dryer is a large capacity dryer that utilizes the pressure swing adsorption (PSA) drying process. The compressed air flows upward through the online (drying) tower where the water molecules adhere to the desiccant, where the residual water content of the compressed air is lowered to a pressure dew point (PDP) of -40°F or lower. Some of the dry air is also is directed downward through the depressurized offline tower for the regeneration process. This dry air sweep desorbs water molecules from the surface of the desiccant and is exhausted to atmosphere, preparing that tower for its next online cycle.