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  • 150 to 2000 HP ranges
  • Proprietary alumina silicate substrate media
  • Adsorba all compressor-based lubricants
    • Silicone
    • Polyalkylene glycol (PAGs)
    • Food grade
  • Factory pre-plumbed and leak-tested


The Clean Resources Super-PAK Oil and Water Separator is designed for condensate management on large, compressed air systems up to 2000 HP/10000 ACFM. The proprietary alumina silicate substrate media beds adsorb all compressor-based lubricants, including silicone, polyalkylene glycol (PAGs), and food grade. 

The Super-PAK can handle more than one compressor using different types of lubricants and can be connected simultaneously with just one unit. When spent, all Super series units can be returned for recycling.