Hankison FLEX Series Refrigerated Air Dryer
75 to 2000 SCFM capacity dryer designed with 4-in-1 heat exchangers.
- 75 to 2000 SCFM capacity
- 2.9 to 5.0 pressure drop depending on capacity
- 115/1/60 and 460/3/60 voltages
The Hankison FLEX Series Refrigerated Air Dryer is designed with 4-in-1 heat exchangers and a phase change material (PCM) encapsulated between the refrigeration and compressed air circuits, serving as a highly effective reservoir for thermal storage. The PCM possesses high latent heat properties, enabling it to melt or freeze at a constant temperature. The phase change material will absorb heat from warm, moisture-laden compressed air without a significant rise in temperature.
FLEX Series dryers automatically cycle (on /off) the refrigeration compressor in response to inlet load conditions. As the inlet air load is reduced, the power requirement to dry the air matches the demand.
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