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{{ option.description }}
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Starting Price: $140.00
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${{ calcCost | formatCurrency }} per {{ calcQuantity }} (${{ unitPrice | formatCurrency }} each) per {{ boxQuantity }} (${{ unitPrice | formatCurrency }} each)
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{{ calcAvailability }}
Alternate Part Nos. {{pn}}



  • 45 LB or 50 LB sizes available
  • Up to 27°F dew point suppression
  • ≤70°F operating temperature
  • Up to 33% Relative Humidity
  • Prevents gas line freeze-ups
  • Inhibits natural gas hydrate formation


Van Air Systems SP Gas Dry Peak Deliquescent Desiccant is a chemical drying agent formulated primarily for the dehydration of natural gas. SP is recommended for the first stage of a multiple-vessel drying system.


  • Fuel gas & biogas dehydration
  • High pressure - low temperature sales gas
  • Pre-absorption for higher grades of desiccant