Van Air Systems HL Series Heatless Regenerative Desiccant Air Dryer
Provides uninterrupted airflow at a low dewpoint with Interlock Logic valve sequencing.

- 200 to 1500 SCFM capacity
- 1 1/2" to 3" flange connection
- 150 PSIG pressure rating
- 115/1/60 voltage
- -40ºF to -100ºF pressure dew point
- Interlock Logic Sequencing
- Purge exhaust mufflers
- Dual purge valves
- Activated alumina desiccant
- Panel-mounted tower pressure gauges
- Panel-mounted visual moisture indicator
- NEMA 4X control enclosure
- ASME Code vessels
The Van Air HL Series Heatless Regenerative Desiccant Air Dryer has been engineered to deliver quality -40° F pressure dew point compressed air dependably in 200-2000 SCFM applications. The HL series dryer is equipped with a robust solid-state touchpad controller that features a cycle hold function and an interlocking logic sequencing valve as standard.
The Interlock Logic 3-way inlet transfer valve included with each HL Series dryer is pneumatically interlocked, providing precise tower sequencing which protects the compressed air system from premature loss of flow or pressure. Interlock Logic guarantees that each phase of the drying cycle is completed before the next can begin. This ensures uninterrupted airflow at constant pressure for downstream equipment and prevents accidental vessel re-pressurization.
- Pharmaceutical
- Manufacturing
- Refining and petrochemical
- Power generation
- Process industries
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