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  • 60 to 3000 SCFM inlet flow rates available
  • 150 or 200 PSI max inlet pressure (depending on SCFM)
  • Packaged filters:
    • Oil removal to 99.9% at 0.3 to 0.6 microns
    • Particle removal to 99.9% at 1 micron
  • -50°F outlet dew point
  • 120/1/60, 230/1/60, or 460/3/60 voltage depending on model
  • 3-way electric ball valves
  • Low watt density heater
  • Industrial duty blower


The Altec AIR HBS Series single tower heated regenerative desiccant air dryer is more cost effective than the alternative refrigerated air dryer while still providing higher quality air. All HBS Series dryers are provided with factory installed pre and after-filters.

The HBS Series drying process takes the compressed air and flows it upward through the tower, where water molecules adhere to the porous surface of the desiccant. This results in dew points as low as -50°F. The built-in blower then directs a steady stream of low pressure air through the heater and then down through the tower. The heated air desorbs the accumulated moisture from the desiccant material, with the resulting purge air escaping to atmosphere through the exhaust muffler. The system is then cooled and re-pressurized, ready for the next cycle.