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List Price: ${{ calcListPrice | formatCurrency }}
Starting Price: $1,957.50
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${{ calcCost | formatCurrency }} per {{ calcQuantity }} (${{ unitPrice | formatCurrency }} each) per {{ boxQuantity }} (${{ unitPrice | formatCurrency }} each)
Configured Part No. {{ calcPartNumber }}
{{ calcAvailability }}
Alternate Part Nos. {{pn}}



  • Engine options:
    • 5.5 HP Honda GX200, 12 ACFM at 125 PSI
    • 8.5 HP Honda GX270, 16 ACFM at 125 PSI
  • Cast iron, low RPM pump
  • Pull start on 5.5 HP models
  • Electric start on 8.5 HP model
  • Swedish steel valve components
  • Vibration isolation mounts
  • 0.5" regulator system
  • 2-piece quick air connections
  • Stainless steel discharge air line
  • Fully enclosed belt guard


The Industrial Gold Contractor Series gas powered piston air compressor is a single stage compressor that delivers a high cfm per HP ratio with a 50% duty cycle (max). Each compressor is equipped with a Honda motor (5.5 HP or 8.5 HP models available) and can be mounted on either a single 20 gallon receiver tank with wheels or on a low-profile dual 10 gallon tank configuration. The compact design allows for the compressor to be moved around the job site with ease and getting compressed are where you need it.