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{{ option.description }}
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${{ calcCost | formatCurrency }} per {{ calcQuantity }} (${{ unitPrice | formatCurrency }} each) per {{ boxQuantity }} (${{ unitPrice | formatCurrency }} each)
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{{ calcAvailability }}
Alternate Part Nos. {{pn}}



  • 15 and 20 CFM models available
  • Dryer Performance:
    • Low relative humidity - down to .01% RH
    • Down to -80°F dew points
    • Easy, low-cost maintenance - under $100/year average
  • 2-stage filtration:
    • Water separator - filters particulate down to 10 micron
    • Oil coalescing filter - filters particulate down to .01 micron
    • Activated carbon filter - filters particulate down to .003 ppm
  • Membrane dryer core
  • Automatic drains
  • Wall mounting brackets
  • Outlet regulator
  • Connection port sizes:
    • 15 CFM: 1/4" NPT
    • 20 CFM: 1/2" NPT


The 3-Stage Membrane Dryer includes a water separator, oil coalescing filter, activated carbon filter and membrane dryer. Incoming air enters the filters where liquid water, oils, aerosols and particulates are removed. Then, the air enters the Membrane Dryer where water vapor is removed from the air.