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  • Hot gas bypass valve
  • No-air-loss demand drain
  • Integrated air-to-air heat exchanger:
    • Brazed plate with centrifugal water separator (AD-15 to AD-65)
    • Aluminum block with integrated water separator (AD-85 to AD-4200)
  • Display:
    • Digital dewpoint indicator (AD-15 to AD-65)
    • Digital dewpoint display (AD-85 to AD-4200)
  • Remote features:
    • Remote alarm output (AD-85 to AD-4200)
    • Remote start stop (AD-355 to AD-4200)
  • Remote alarm output (AD-85 to AD-635)
  • Remote start stop (AD-355 to AD-635)
  • Phase sequence relay (460/3/60 versions)
  • cULus listed
  • Environmentally safe refrigerants


The Pneumatech AD Series non-cycling refrigerated air dryer is designed to protect compressed air systems by lowering the presence of moisture in the compressed air. The AD Series features a controller with digital display and real time PDP monitoring. The zero-loss electronic drains avoid compressed air losses. The well-designed heat exchangers with integrated moisture separators ensure maximum cooling efficiency and prevent pressure losses in the system.

The AD15-AD105 units feature the efficient, environmentally friendly R513A refrigerant. The AD125-AD1250 range of units is equipped with rotary compressors and R410A refrigerant. This combination is up to 30% more energy efficient, requires 19% less refrigerant gas, and is 100% compliant with European regulation EU No 517/2014. R410A guarantees stable evaporation, which makes the pressure dew point of up to 37°F (3°C) achievable. Rotary compressors are very reliable due to low vibration levels and limited mechanical load.