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Alternate Part Nos. {{pn}}



  • 1 to 30 HP
  • Cast iron construction
  • Hydraulic unloader
  • High-pressure cast iron pistons
  • Counter-weighted one piece crankshaft
  • Intercooler with large circular fins
  • Cast iron crankcase and flywheel

Tech Specs

Due to the complexity of the data presented in some of the images below, describing them accurately in text is challenging. If you require further assistance, please contact one of our engineers for more detailed information.

Quincy Compressor QR Series Piston Air Compressor Pump Technical Specifications


When it comes to high-demand compressed air solutions, Quincy’s  QR-25 Series delivers. This proven line of reciprocating compressors  offer time-tested performance, maximum efficiency and a low cost of ownership that helps you get the job done and expand your bottom line.