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  • 100% efficiency removing 3 micron particles
  • 99.8% efficiency removing 0.1 micron particles
  • 00.5% efficiency removing 0.01 micron particles
  • 250 to 1,100 SCFM capacity
  • 150 PSIG max pressure
  • 1" NPT connection
  • Steel housing


The Quincy Compressor ME Series mist eliminator is a heavy-duty coalescing type filter designed to efficiently remove oil, particulate, and water from compressed air. By using a combination of impaction, interception and Brownian Movement, the Quincy Mist Eliminator achieves 100% efficiency in removing particles 3 micron and larger, 99.8% of 0.1 micron and larger and 99.5% of 0.01 micron and larger. Average element life in continuous service is 10 years.

All Quincy mist eliminator tanks are ASME coded and stamped. Standard equipment includes a calibrated differential pressure gauge and enamel paint. Large tank volume captures and retains inadvertent lubricant discharge caused by compressor separation system malfunction, which protects downstream equipment.