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{{ option.description }}
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List Price: ${{ calcListPrice | formatCurrency }}
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${{ calcCost | formatCurrency }} per {{ calcQuantity }} (${{ unitPrice | formatCurrency }} each) per {{ boxQuantity }} (${{ unitPrice | formatCurrency }} each)
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{{ calcAvailability }}
Alternate Part Nos. {{pn}}



  • 10 PPM outlet oil rating
  • 25 to 5300 CFM capacity
  • 4,000 hour service intervals
  • Dual service indicators
  • Quick change filters
  • Environmentally friendly organoclay purifier


The Quincy Compressor QOCS Series oil and water separator uses separation technology with an environmentally friendly organoclay compound that is light, clean, and easy to service. The QOCS Series removes all compressor fluids including polyglycols. Capacity can be extended for increased demand by installing additional units and operating them in parallel with the originals.