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  • 20 to 2,000 SCFM capacity
  • 1/2" to 3" NPT, 4" ANSI Flanged connection options
  • Voltage options:
    • 115/1/60
    • 230/1/60
    • 460/3/60
  • 232 PSIG pressure rating
  • 158°F maximum inlet temperature
  • 110°F to 112°F maximum ambient temperature, depending on refrigerant


The nano-purification solutions NXC Cycling Refrigerated Air Dryer utilizes dual transfer technology (DTT) to reduce energy expenditure, treating the compressed air according to actual air flow. In the direct transfer, cold refrigerant comes into direct contact with the compressed air through a patented copper/aluminum heat exchanger, increasing cooling method efficiency during periods of high air usage. In the indirect transfer, excess refrigerant cools down the dry thermal mass, allowing the compressor to cycle off during periods of lower compressed air consumption. This cycling feature enhances dew point performance and reduces power consumption.

A standard refrigerant gauge is located on the side of the dryer cabinet for ease of troubleshooting. A fully adjustable timer drain is standard on all models.