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{{ calcAvailability }}
Alternate Part Nos. {{pn}}



  • 55 to 550 CFM capacity
  • 16% average purge rate
  • -40°F pressure dew point
  • 203 max pressure
  • 113°F max ambient temperature
  • 115/1/60 V


The Quincy Compressor QMD Series heatless desiccant air dryer delivers clean, dry air while continuously operating at full flow. Package filtration eliminates particulate and oil carryover, prolonging the life of downstream equipment.  The NEMA 4 Airlogic 2 controller has a fixed cycle time, total hours display, CAN communication, remote start and stop, event history log, and integrated web server with web interface. The QMD Series features an electronic 3/2 valve, large pipe diameter to reduce pressure drop, easily removable service panels and desiccant bags, and a silencing system to reduce noise.