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  • 30 to 450 HP
  • 131 to 2083 CFM capacity
  • 125psi pressure rating
  • 113°F max ambient temperature
  • 230-460/3/60 V


The Hertz HDD Series rotary screw air compressor is available from 30 to 450 HP and designed to reduce power transfer losses with a directly-coupled motor and screw block. The HDD Series features a microprocessor controller, Wye-Delta starter, patented and durable screw block to provide high capacity air, and suction filter with silencer casing. The three stage air and oil separator efficiently separates at lower volume with deeply wrapped, intertwined separation layers, resulting in outlet air oil mist content at 3ppm. The cooling system includes independent radiator segments and a silent, slow speed radial fan controlled by a secondary fan inverter.