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Starting Price: $7,303.00
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  • IE3 efficiency motor
  • High-efficiency airend
  • Optional refrigerated air dryer
  • 60 or 120 gallon receiver tanks available
  • Manual tank drain valve
  • ES 4000 basic controller standard on >15 HP models
  • Tri-Voltage and 1-pashe voltages available


The Mark Compressor MSU Series rotary screw air compressor features asymmetric profile rotors mounted on high-quality ball and roller bearings for increased efficiency. The MSU Series meets the compressed air demands of tire shops, paint shops, car dealers, maintenance shops, and small industries. The MSU can be installed almost anywhere in the workshop due to its quiet design. Available in either base mount or tank mount, with or without a refrigerated air dryer, the MSU Series is a complete solution.