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  • Tank mount, 60 GAL or 120 GAL option
  • 7.5 or 10 HP
  • 145 PSI pressure rating
  • 24 or 35.2 CFM capacity
  • 230 or 460V, 3-phase, 60Hz


The Chicago Pneumatic CNR Oilless Piston Air Compressor offers a 100% duty cycle for uninterrupted service, due to its oil-free design and internal cooling fan system. It uses a direct drive, along with start-stop technology to eliminate waste during the unload cycle, and a one-bearing motor to reduce mechanical friction. The ISO 8573-1 Class 0 pump produces TÜV-certified 100% clean air. The inlet/outlet pump valves are patented stainless steel. 

The lightweight aluminum pump prevents the formation of condensate, extending lifetime. The disk valves are stainless steel, and the unit includes sealed-for-life crankshaft ball bearings to minimize service needs. V-shaped pistons reduce vibrations to a minimum. The drive transmission is directly flanged to the pump to reduce energy losses and use. The motor is IP55/4-pole/insulation class F to ensure reliable operation in harsh conditions. The motor is mounted on an anti-vibration pad to reduce sound levels.

The CNR includes as standard an Airlogic2T touchscreen controller for on-screen and remote monitoring of compressor performance. The touchscreen is 4.3in and full-color, and the controller has access to 30+ languages. It includes warning indications and shutdown alarms, service status and schedule indication, online visualization of running conditions, and compressor data analysis.