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  • 106 to 5650 SCFM
  • 2.9 to 232 PSIG pressure range
  • Integrated filter
  • Contact alarm


The Walker Filtration CondenSmart Series Zero Loss Drain is designed to direct contaminated condensate away from the compressed air system without the loss of any compressed air.

The CondenSmart Zero Loss design utilizes an advanced microprocessor and sensory valves to detect condensate at the maximum level without the need for external adjustments. The CondenSmart Zero Loss includes six different models with flow rates from 106 to 5650 SCFM.

By maintaining a small amount of condensate within the collection chamber of the device, the drain prevents compressed air from escaping. An automatic and efficient option, installing the drain reduces overall operational costs for a condensate management system by eliminating excess energy usage associated with compressed air leaks. An integrated strainer is present to capture contaminants and stop their entry into the compressed air stream, preventing end-product contamination or damage.