

  • 10 HP
  • 116 psi pressure rating
  • 28.4 CFM capacity
  • 460V
  • High-efficiency IE3 motor
  • Corrosion resistant materials
  • Low vibration
  • ISO 8753-1 Class Zero certified


The Quincy Compresor QOF Series oilless scroll air compressors achieve air compression through the orbital motion of two spirals. One stationary, the second mobile, their interaction pulls the air into the compression chamber. In a regular and continuous way, the mobile spiral compresses the air through a reduction of volume. The air flow is directed to the center of the spiral after which it is cooled. As the spirals never make any contact, this compression process does not require any lubrication. The QOF series oilless scroll air compressors are ISO 8753-1 Class Zero certified, which ensures oil-free air for critical processes.