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  • Powered by TEFC IE3 motor
  • Noise level between 57 and 63 dBA
  • Real time pressure and temperature reading
  • Centrifugal cooling fan
  • ISO8573-1 Class 0 clean and efficient air
  • Start/stop controlled
  • 100% duty cycle


The FS Curtis ECO-Scroll Series of oil free air compressors are designed with an environmentally conscious approach. The compressors offer clean, oil free air meeting ISO 8573-1 Class 0 standard on clean and efficient compressed air. Powered by a TEFC IE3 motor, these compressors contain a centrifugal cooling fan to keep heat exchange efficient and quiet. The check valves and safety release valves are in line to prevent back pressure to the air-end. Additionally, these compressors contain alarm and shutdown warnings to notify users of incoming damages. It is suitable for use in industries including electronics, pharmaceutical, hospitals, printing, automotive, universities, dental applications, water aeration, food and beverage.