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  • -40°F dew point
  • 4-14 barg/58-203 psig pressure range
  • 2-45°C/36-113°F ambient temperature range
  • 230VAC 50/60Hz & 115VAC 50/60Hz power supply
  • Vertical or horizontal installation


The Pneumatech PH 90-690 HE Extruded Profile Heatless Adsorption Dryer facilitates highly efficient air flow and regeneration, enabling them to achieve a stable low pressure dew point of -40°C/-40°F. The structured desiccant technology extends the desiccant lifetime by 40% while eliminating the presence of desiccant dust that can cause dryer failures and compromise production processes.

The dryers are equipped with a user-friendly PureLogic Touch controller that optimizes performance and efficiency while enabling connectivity to distributed control systems (DCS), supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) systems, and programmable logic controllers (PLCs).