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  • Material: steel
  • Single adjusting screws for frames 56-145T
  • Double adjusting screws for frames 182T-505T
  • Washers included with base
  • Painted with oven-baked primer
  • Grade 5 “D” bolts (motor mounting bolts)
    • welded into position and fixed to the exact foot pattern of the motor
  • Exact drop-in replacement for all major brands of slide bases


The WorldWide Electric Universal Motor Slide Base is an ideal mount solution for NEMA standard electric motors, and universal drop-in replacement for applications that require fine adjustment of motor position. Grade 5 "D" bolts are welded into position to prevent spinning and dropping from slots. The unit features a single adjusting screw for frame sizes 56-145T, and double for 182T-505T. Generous precut slide channels increase the ease of motor positioning during installation. Each unit is finished with an oven-baked primer for better contact with paint.