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  • Premium or high inlet options available
  • Maximum inlet flow: 1200 scfm
  • Maximum inlet temperature: 120°F for premium; 180°F for high inlet options
  • Maximum operating pressure: 225 psig
  • Certifications
    • UL 1995/CSA 22.2 No. 236-95 for premium dryers
    • UL 1995/CSA 22.2 No. 236-05 for high inlet dryers
  • High inlet dryers perform moisture removal to 50°F pressure dew point


The FS-Curtis RN Series of refrigerated non-cycling air dryers are available in two selections: premium and high inlet temperature. The premium dryers offer a delivery of clean, dry, consistent quality air by meeting ISO 8573.1 Air Quality Class 4 to Class 5 pressure dew point standards. They feature an at-a-glance control panel dew point to help verify performance. The 10 and 15 scfm models use a float drain whereas the remainder use an electronic drain.

The high inlet options can operate with a maximum inlet temperature of 180°F. They feature moisture removal to ISO 8573-1: 2010 Quality Class 6 (50°F) pressure dew point and also use environmentally friendly R-134a and R-407c refrigerants. They contain  stainless steel brazed plate heat exchangers with an integral demister separator. The quick release front panel allows for access to dryer internals for routine maintenance.