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  • Operating pressure: 100 to 175psig
  • Maximum inlet temperature: 150°F
  • Uses no refrigerant
  • Twin canister design
  • Cycles automatically
  • 115V switching timer with plug
  • Can be wall or compressor mounted
  • Air-cooled aftercooler not required


The FS-Curtis DA Series is a line of modular desiccant air dryers ideal for use in painting applications where water/solvent air contaminant need to be eliminated. These are for use with any type of compressor, including piston, scroll, rotary vane, or rotary screw technologies. These dryers can function with inlet temperatures up to 150°F, without needing and air-cooled aftercooler. These can be wall or compressor mounted, as well as mounted onto FS-Curtis compressors.

Additionally, there are particulate afterfilters built into the canisters, allowing for uninterrupted operation in dirty or dusty environments. There is a molecular sieve desiccant in the spin-on cannisters. The dryers are also considered environmentally friends as they use no refrigerant.