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  • Air inlet requirement and nitrogen flow at 99.9% purity:
    • 100 PSIG: 63 or 159 SCFH nitrogen (8 or 12 SCFM feed air)
    • 125 PSIG: 87 or 212 SCFH nitrogen (11 or 16 SCFM feed air)
    • 150 PSIG: 100 or 238 SCFH nitrogen (12 or 18 SCFM feed air)
    • 200 PSIG: 145 or 393 SCFH nitrogen (18 or 39 SCFM feed air)
  • 1/2" NPT inlet/outlet connection
  • 41 to 113°F design operating temperature range
  • 7 to 10 PSIG pressure drop


The nano-purification solutions NMG Nitrogen Generator uses rated flow to produce nitrogen purities from 95 to 99.9%, and includes an F1 centrifugal water separator, NMD magnetic condensate drain, F1 1.0 and 0.01 micron coalescing filters, and an F1 AC activated carbon filter. No moving parts are involved and no electricity is required. The unit's design provides for horizontal or vertical placement in tight spaces with wall mounting brackets included as standard. The lower air consumption and refined controls provide greater energy efficiency. 


  • Food packaging
  • Plastics
  • Chemicals
  • Pharmaceuticals
  • Atmosphere blanketing